Homeschooling Organizations

Click on a county to view all organizations (that we are aware of) in that particular county.

See also: Statewide Organizations.

There are undoubtedly many more homeschooling organizations in Ohio than the current 107 we know about. You would do well to talk with your school superintendent (sometimes they know of helpful homeschoolers in the area). Check for posted information at your local library or post office. Inquire on one of the several homeschooling email lists listed here. Look for families in the grocery store during school hours. :-)

And please, if you know of a group that isn't listed, please let us know! Take just a moment to complete our online form is all we ask, and the information will be a great help to other folks!


Help Us Out!

Do you see incorrect info? Do you know of a group that's not listed? Please let us know by filling out our online form.